For better
hearing we start
by listening

Our Services

At Neurosensory, we have built our outstanding reputation in hearing health by always helping our clients to achieve their maximum hearing capability.

We make it a priority for our clients to receive comprehensive testing, and to have access to the most advanced hearing solutions available, in a caring and supportive environment.

Hearing Testing

Dizziness and Balance Test

Neurosensory’s comprehensive hearing assessments are of the highest standard.

We provide an extensive range of advanced hearing testing, utilising the latest diagnostic equipment.

Our caring and professional staff provide thorough examinations, working closely with our aligned Ear, Nose and Throat specialists to offer the best solution for all ages, from babies to young children, through to adults.

Hearing Aids

Neurosensory supports one of the broadest range of hearing aids to suit your individual needs, lifestyle and budget.

Our commitment to ethical practice ensures that you can trust that your audiologist’s recommendations are solely motivated by a desire to assist you with your hearing needs.

Tinnitus and Treatments

Tinnitus can be a debilitating and frustrating condition, often causing significant sleeping problems. Delaying treatment may make the condition worse.

Neurosensory has comprehensive tinnitus assessments, and scientifically proven tinnitus treatment and management programs available.

Cochlear Implants

For over 35 years we have witnessed many lives change through our highly successful cochlear implant program. We are one of the largest and most respected providers of cochlear services in the country and our expert team of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeons and highly qualified Audiologists work closely to ensure the transition to cochlear implants is totally supported.

Working closely with our ENT surgeons, Neurosensory provides world-class standards in cochlear implant procedures. Our caring staff will be there every step of the way to ensure your Neurosensory cochlear implant experience is positive and supported.

Workplace, Workcover and Medicolegal

Neurosensory is an accredited WorkCover provider and has a long-standing reputation for providing comprehensive and reliable hearing health services, reports and recommendations in accordance with all statutory requirements under the WorkCover scheme.  We also provide medicolegal assessments for common law claims.

Recent legislation changes aimed at preventing hearing problems requires employers to assess noise levels in the workplace, monitor the hearing health of exposed workers through analysis of audiometric testing, ensure personal protective equipment is operationally effective and also provide information, training and instruction to workers.

Hearing Accessories

At Neurosensory, we always have the latest in hearing aids and accessories, so that we can help you to maximise your hearing capability.

Your Neurosensory Audiologist will be happy to recommend the best wireless enabled accessories to complement your hearing aids and lifestyle. Our caring staff are not paid commissions for hearing aid recommendations.

Ear Protection

Construction worker with foam earplugs

Protecting your hearing today is the best way to avoid tomorrow’s hearing problems.

We have a comprehensive range of ear protection to suit your individual needs and lifestyle, whether at work, sport, or other recreational activities.